3 min read
20 Aug

Have you ever loved a sport or hobby so much that the thought of giving it up feels like losing a part of yourself? That's exactly how my client Jill felt about pickleball. But her story might surprise you – and give you hope if you're facing a similar situation. 

Picture this: You're on the pickleball court, paddle in hand, ready to serve. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through your shoulder. Game over, right?

That's what Jill thought when she came to see me.

"Audrey," she said, her voice shaky, "I think I need to quit pickleball. My shoulder hurts too much."

I could see the heartbreak in her eyes. Pickleball wasn't just a game for Jill - it was her social life, her exercise, and what she loved most. 💔

Jill thought her pain meant she had to stop playing forever. But that's not always true!

We started working together, focusing on three key areas:

  • Gentle movements
  • Building strength
  • Adjusting her pickleball technique

Guess what? Last week, Jill sent me a video of her serving on the pickleball court, a huge smile on her face. 

She wasn't just playing - she was playing better than ever! 🏆

Now, I'm not saying all pain is an easy fix. But Jill's story shows us something important: Don't let pain make you quit what you love before trying all your options.

If you're hurting and thinking about giving up a hobby you love, remember Jill's story. You're not alone—many of us think this.  But before you hang up your paddle, golf clubs, or gardening gloves, consider exploring pain relief options. 

Maybe like Jill, focusing on gentle movements, building strength, and improving your technique can make all the difference. 

There's often a way to keep doing what you love. 💪

Want to learn 3 important things about your pain that can help you find relief? 

Click here.

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