5 min read
30 Aug

Ever feel like you're tilting, even when the floor is flat? You might have a leg length difference. But before you worry, let's look at what might be going on.

Imagine you're sitting on a chair with one leg shorter than the others. You’re always leaning to one side, right? 🪑 That's what having a leg length difference feels like. But here's the thing - it might not be what you think.

There are two types of leg length differences:

  1. Structural: This is like having one chair leg shorter than the others. It's a real difference in bone length, but you can't spot this with just your eyes. It takes a special x-ray to know for sure.
  2. Functional: This is like sitting on a chair where the seat is tilted, making it feel like one leg is shorter. In your body, this could be because your pelvis is out of balance or you have issues with your ankle or knee.

Most of the time, when people think they have a leg length difference, it's functionalIt's like your body's playing a trick on you! 😯

If you don't take care of a functional leg length difference, it can cause long-lasting pain and bad posture. It might even cause problems in other parts of your body. But don't worry—there are ways to help balance your pelvis!

Ready to find out if this applies to you? Here’s a simple test you can do at home:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent. 
  2. Keep your feet flat on the floor and touching each other.
  3. Gently lift your head an inch or two and look at your knees. Are they even?
  4. If not, gently press the hip on the side of your higher knee down into the floor.
  5. Look at your knees again. You've likely found a functional leg difference if they're now even.

So, what's the solution? It's not about changing your legs— it's about balancing your pelvis

Think of it like aligning your car. 🚗 You don't replace the tires; you adjust how they line up.

You do this with gentle, structured movements that teach your body to balance itself— like teaching your dog a new trick, but for your hips!

Want to know how to balance your hips and say goodbye to that uneven feeling? Click Here to choose a time for us to talk and find out if working together is the right fit for you. 

Remember, your body is brilliant. Sometimes, it just needs a little help to find its balance.

Balancing bodies, one pelvis at a time!

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